I would like to thank my husband Dean Prichard, Susan Loch, Jamie Schulze, Suzanna Ceballos Albright, Dawn Madigan, and Ellen Airhart for invaluable support in manifesting this program! Also, deepest appreciation to Dr. Deborah Jacobvitz, my graduate advisor at UT Austin, for guidance and support throughout the process of writing and defending my Master’s and Doctoral theses. Additionally, I would like to thank both Debby and Dr. Nancy Hazen-Swann for allowing me to participate in and draw upon their Partners and Parents Project. Thanks to Dr. Lisa Raskin, Dr. Tommy Darwin, Dr. Anita Vangelisti, Dr. Joan Mullin, Dr. Melissa Curran, Dr. Silvia Bartolic, Dr. Peg Syverson, Professor Cynthia Bryant, Dr. Ted Houston, Dr. Cathy Surra, Dr. Timothy Loving, and Dr. Elisabeth McKetta for the application of their theoretical and conceptual expertise.
I am deeply grateful to my family for your absolute and unconditional support and encouragement. And to my forever friends at the UT Undergraduate Writing Center, Michele Solberg, Vince Lozano, Peg Syverson, Alice Batt, Chris LeCluyse, Scott Blackwood, Sue Mendelsohn, Alison Perlman, Eliana Schonberg, Alanna Bitzel, Andy Jones, Andrea Saathoff, and so many others who taught me the power of acceptance. Also the power of questions...and about enlightened instruction, leadership, and facilitation. Thank you to my former boss and mentor Stephen Revell, the most efficient and effective person I have ever known. The HWH Coaching approach and principles are derived from the stellar practices and teachings of these consummate professionals. To the patient and supportive first rounds of HWH Coaches...thank you to Terra Peters, Maggie Brubaker, Tricia Osborn, Kaitlin Robinson, Dawn Madigan, Michele Aubry, Kelly Belliveau, Evan Schmiedehaus, Sue Steinfeld, Behnam Arzaghi, Colette Fischer, Andrea Finch, and David Preslar.
To the team at Brillium: Curt Rogers, Rob Dugre, and Michael Hurczyn, thank you for your invaluable brilliant support in creating and supporting the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® self-assessment, and Happy Whole Human in general. Also, thank you to Mitchell Westmoreland for composing the relaxing and original music for the HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® self-hypnosis Mp3s. It is a pleasure to work with such a stellar team on such an ambitious project!
Thank you to Zoilita Grant for mentoring me in Hypnotic Coaching and licensing her inspired content to Happy Whole Human.
Thank you to the good people of Whole Foods Market who "got it" and gave us the once in a lifetime opportunity to pilot this project with such creative and progressive thought leaders. Steph Steele, John Morgan, Jessica Agneessens, Evan Schmeidehaus, Sue Steinfeld, Leisha Barnette, Vaishali Jadhav and Glenda Flannigan many thanks for all of your support and invaluable feedback and suggestions.
Deep appreciation to Jessica Agneessens for your fierce advocacy in championing our cause. Thank you to Vidar Jorgensen, Co-founder of Grameen America & Grameen PrimaCare, for your kindness and mentorship. And all the folks at Conscious Capitalism, Inc.! Laura Garnett of Garnett Consulting and Bruce Fritch of Fritch Consulting, thank you for the encouragement and support! Corey Bell and Katie Gutierrez at Round Table Companies, To Angela Gohokar and the extraordinary team at Texas Monthly, what a pleasure to work with you. Thank you for your support of HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN. Special thanks to John Dunn, David Dunham, and Jennifer Garcia!
Profound gratitude to Forest Ecologist Dr. Dominik Kulakowski for captivating my imagination with his musings about the nature of life and sparking my 20-year quest to understand what constitutes optimal relationship dynamics. Also many thanks to David Flaxbart, Head of the UT Austin Mallet Chemistry Library, Jeremy Denbow, and to all of the chemical information professionals – including organic chemists – from around the world, who generously provided commentary on the HWH Carbon Mutuality metaphor. Many thanks to Cole Harmonson for his epiphany: Self-absorbed patterns can be overcome in any given moment by bringing yourself into the moment and connecting to yourself and another. It really can be that simple. Show up and see what happens next. So simple; so true!
To my friends, family, and colleagues, thank you for your camaraderie, collaboration, and support: Ananda Mayi, Andrea Marwah, Beau Schoen, Bill Gossett, Bill Hatfield, Blair Knies, Bonnie Golden, Brad Peirce, Brittnae Davidson, Carlos Longoria, Christophe Sanchez, Chuck Paff, David Tachnick, Deb Gabor, Diana LaGuttuta Hale, Douglas Roberts, Elle Renee French, Ellie Brett, Gabriel Ornelas, Gary Della Croce, Helen Lemm, James Heironimus, Jamie Schulze, Janet Burstein, Jen Heller, Jenny Peloquen, Jeremy Gossett, Jes Nielsen, Jim Hoadley, Jim Madigan, Jim Roberson, Joani Walsh, Joe Nichols, Kaitlin Robinson, Katherine Paff, Keith Manlove, Kelly Belliveau, Kim Preslar, Kristin McKenna, Krista Tranquilla, Linda Wagner, Lisa Webb, Lisa Raskin, Lisa Steffek, Lori O'Connor, Lynne Arial, Maggie Brubaker, Melissa Kruckenberg, Michael Merrick, Mike Dellagala, Nate Little, Priscilla Morton, Richard Korman, Robert Barlow, Sara O’Connor, Shannon Greene, Sherry Gossett, Sherry Lowry, Sister, Susan Voelz, Tatiana Jitkoff, Thomas Schulze, Tim Hamilton, Tom Podleski, and Winn Wittman.
Also, special thanks to Lindsay Redwine, Kevin Burns, and Paula Greenfield Burns for invaluable support in building my private coaching practice. Deep appreciation to Judi Rosall, who encouraged me to pursue an advanced degree and is an outstanding mentor and friend. I honor and appreciate my hundreds of clients, bosses, mentors, professors, employees, and students…so many beautiful “shiny happy people”!!! You are all such amazing teachers for me. Without you and our sacred pact to honor the highest and best good in one another, this project would not have been possible, and I would not be the person that I have become.
We have grown so profoundly together and I love each and every one of you. Truly.
The HAPPY WHOLE HUMAN® programs draw upon countless reference sources. Many thanks to all of the powerful and inspirational authors, clinicians, researchers, teachers, and thought leaders for their hard work in providing the resources that support this program!
And lastly, I wish to acknowledge myself for overcoming considerable obstacles and working diligently for over 20 years to bring this program to the world. I am proud to say that in both the best of times and in the darkest hours, I have kept my heart and mind open. I have learned, and I have improved. If I can do it, so can you. I believe in myself, and I believe in you.
Dr. Lisa Leit
HWH Founder